Consultation and Supervision

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Dr Keogh provides consultation and workshops to all professionals involved in forensic mental health. She is also available to supervise trainees.


Residential Care/Fostering programs.

Dr. Keogh offers individually tailored training programs to mer the needs of those experiencing the effects of or caring for those with complex trauma and attachment issues. The focus of the interventions are on understanding attachment, complex trauma and manifestation of said on the individual and family. A metallisation approach id primarily used aiding the carer to understand the intentions of behaviours, to be empathic and increase reflexive functioning. Dr. Keogh is specifically trained in these areas. She also incorporates a positive behavioural approach into the process. Positive Behavioural Support Programmes and attachment based therapeutic interventions are the treatment of choice for people displaying challenging behaviour, those with intellectual disabilities, and vulnerable others with a specific clinical need, such as Autistic Spectrum and ADHD etc. The function of the negative behaviour is analysed usually by conducting a functional behavioural assessment. This is usually considered to be a problem-solving process and the goal is to look beyond the actual behaviour itself. Then  positive behaviours identified that are functionally equivalent for the person. These programmes seek to  eliminate negative behaviour by not providing any reinforcement for these behaviours. However, natural consequences remain in place, and are explained to the person. The programme is developed together with the person’s family and/or care staff and implemented alongside attachment based therapeutic techniques .

Psycho-education is very beneficial in this process, i.e. grasping the world view of the individual, understanding attachment and the outcomes of an insecure attachment, understanding possible motives and misunderstandings in relating.

Various stage are involved in conducting a functional behavioural analysis, to identify both negatively viewed and positively viewed behaviours.;

– In concrete terms the specific behaviour is described and targeted

– Information about the specific behaviour is collected and the accuracy of the behaviour is measured.

– The behaviour is then categorised according to the reasoning behind it, is it pertaining to a certain skill or performance?

– The information is then analysed to formulate a reason and determine it’s function in the person’s life

– Interventions are then collaboratively devised

Reviews are systematically carried out to identify further areas of need and build confidence.



At NFPC Ltd. we are able to offer various workshops to include the following:

– The association between Criminality and Mental Health

– Psychological Trauma

– What is risk assessment?

– Effective interventions for Mental Health Issues

– Restorative Justice

We are also interested in any other possible topics of relevance and can tailor make relevant and topical workshops depending on client need. Staff are available to travel and present workshops at convenient locations.